Lovely Things || June

Has anyone else noticed how many Junebugs there are? This month has been a busy one (quit with the broken record Alice, I get it…!) but especially so as there have been an overwhelming number of birthdays and celebrations. I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy full weekends, busy evenings after work and a few little days off here and there for frivolities. Adam and I haven’t benefitted from much quality couple time, but that sometimes comes with the combination of overtime, living apart and busy weekends meeting and greeting.

In many ways, June has been quite a monumental month for many, and it feels like a pivotal time of year. On the brink of a summer that doesn’t look like it’s any time coming, six months into the year and without needing to go into it, a very temperamental and restless time for the whole country. This is the time we have to hold onto the good in life, the little joys that keep our world spinning. So rather than dwelling on the negatives, this roundup will focus on the lovely things that have happened during June, just as it says on the tin!

Lovely Things June 20

2 year Aardvark Anniversary

2nd June marked my 2 year anniversary in my role as an environmental consultant. I’ve learnt an enormous amount in this role, both specific sector knowledge and learning the ins and outs of how a business can run, successfully run and what makes a great boss, colleague and team player. I’m given so much scope for continued improvement and working on so many different types of projects, I love my job, and that’s a really lucky thing for anyone to be able to say!

Lovely Things June 1


Plymouth Blogger Brunch

After a lovely gathering of local bloggers at Mount Edgcumbe in May, I decided to organise another smaller meet up in June with a brunch at Boston Tea Party in the beautiful Jamaica House. Combine some great avo, eggs and smoked salmon, a group of delightfully creative and fun individuals and a cheeky outfit shoot post eating, and you’re onto a winner!

Lovely Things June 4

Lovely Things June 2

Lovely Things June 3


Getting in the Water

This month I’ve finally got into the sea. Poor show compared to other years (especially when I went sea swimming every day during second year up until 23rd December and again on 4th January!) However, this year I waited until June to dip my toes and go all in. Kayaking with Adam’s little brother Dan, a sea swim, and a post wedding doughnut ride behind a high speed rib, I’ve loved getting back into the water and spending more time with salty hair.

Lovely Things June 5


The Loft Barbers Live Session

Honestly one of my favourite gigs ever. My uni friend Jugs invited me for an evening in a medieval hayloft with some wonderful acoustic music from Alex Rainsford, Richard James and Hunter and the Bear. All three acts were incredible, the venue was breathtaking and so intimate and I loved everything about the whole evening!

Lovely Things June 6


Finishing the Garden

This month we (finally) got around to finishing the garden. Cue a celebratory dinner in the garden of lobster and Chablis (pretentious, yes, but also utterly delicious!) and out garden is looking lovelier than ever! Soon I’ll do a DIY post showing the stages of build, because if you liked the bathroom one, I hope you’ll be even more impressed with this one!

Lovely Things June 7

Lovely Things June 11


My First Ever Cricket Match

I thought I’d find it boring. I thought it was a bit of a let down for a staff outing that would be boy-centred. Turns out drinking cider, bumping into lots of people I knew and watching a very close T20 match was actually really quite exciting and made for a fun afternoon out! Somerset vs Surrey went the right way, there were some “proper banter lads” behind us who helped explain the rules and we polished it all off with a Zizzi’s pizza.

Lovely Things June 8


So Many Birthdays

Seriously though. I went into town a few weeks ago and had to buy TWELVE different cards for various birthdays and celebrations, twelve!! It’s meant a fair few nice treats, birthday meals, cakes and fun, but June does seem a bit jam packed, and my bank balance is feeling rather miserable!

Lovely Things June 9


House Hunting

We’re currently on the search for a house to buy in Plymouth, but boy is it not as fun and easy as I expected!

There have been multiple viewings, in between every available slot of time we can find, and every single one we’ve said “yep, this is the one” it’s either been too expensive, sold really quickly, or had god knows what other issue that means it’s unfeasible. Hopefully the right one will come along soon.

Tricky really because we’re looking for something lovely on the outside, hideous on the inside.

I mean, swirly carpets, no central heating, awful avocado or peach bathrooms…you know the drill. The more horrible the better. We like DIY and have realised we’er not that bad at it. How to make some money using your skills. Problem is, developers have exactly the same idea!

Lovely Things June 10


A Dash to the City

Last last weekend (yea, that’s right, right?!) I got up super duper early, hopped on a bus and headed to the smoke for a fun day of messing around with our friend Sam at some quirky funky London gardens during the Open Garden Squares Weekend, and a bloody great evening with my university homies (quite literal homies as we lived together for three years!) partying until the sun came up.

Oh boy I’m too old for this now.

Especially as I got home on the train, fueled by a much needed almond croissant and cup of tea, then proceeded to be dragged into the garden with mum and dad for major clearance of a fallen tree on one section of our abandoned chicken run.

Yes, I’d had less than 3 hours sleep.

Yes, I was the most hungover I’ve been in years.

Yes, it was really mizzly outside (the kind that makes you soaked instantly without actually raining).

Yet, I actually really enjoyed it. Tearing down ivy and weeds and chopping up chicken wire and literally pulling down an entire tree with out bare hands between Dad and I. Best hangover cure I’ve ever found. That and 13 1/2 hours sleep that night!

Open Square Gardens London Weekend 2016 1

Lovely Things June 14

Lovely Things June 15


All the Bayfields

Term is practically over, and for the lucky few who are still in some sort of education, the long expanse of the summer holidays are nearly upon them. Boooooo for being an adulting adult with a miserable amount of annual leave and no more booked time off yet this year! However, one perk is that the little Bayfields are home. I say little in jest, my brothers Harry and Ned are 6ft 5 and 6ft 3, so with my 5ft 8 frame I’m tiny in comparison! They’re vegan and vegetarian between them, so evening meals have considerably changed, we’ve already started niggling each other for the ever present sibling power struggle, yet it’s also lovely to hang out and see them regularly and it does make me realise how much I miss not spending time as a family.

Lovely Things June 13


M&J Got Hitched

Last weekend we celebrated Adam’s Dad’s wedding in North Devon. They had hired a huge stately home for 4 days of partying and celebration, along with ALL the food, drink and merriment. It was decorated beautifully, the select few who attended were fantastic, and it was polished off with a cheeky high speed rib ride. I’ll do a proper post soon as you’ll have ALL the wedding envy, but it was bloody fun and so nice to have four days off!

Lovely Things June 17

Lovely Things June 16

Lovely Things June 18


Going through all of these, I keep remembering other bits and bobs I could mention, but blimey if you’re still around I congratulate you, it’s been a long enough post already! I love that I’ve managed to squeeze so much into June, and that in the month that will go down in history forever, I tried my best to search out the joy and thrive on the little things that make me happy.

What’s been your favourite thing during June?

Lovely Things June 12