50 Happy Things
- Piercing the foil lid on a brand new jar or pot
- When my brothers come home and the family are all together
- Stomping through frosty grass
- Driving home and all the traffic lights turn green just before you get to them.
- Listening to old CDs from years ago and bringing memories flooding back
- Feeling really energised after a great workout
- Waking up being cuddled
- Finding an item of clothing you’ve been longing for in a shop and they’ve got your size, plus it’s now half price!
- Meeting someone for the first time and realising you have a random connection through family/friends/experiences
- The first bite into a delicious pudding you’ve been really looking forward to
- Making my mum laugh until she cries
- Reverting back to being a child at the first sight of snow
- Your favourite song coming on the radio and singing along at the top of your voice
- Pulling off a flukey shot (in any sport) and making it look like that’s exactly what you meant to do.
- Realising you know all the words to a song you haven’t heard in ages
- Driving to Plymouth on a Friday night to find the flat tidy, dinner in the oven and a G&T on the table!
- Getting lots of comments on a post you put loads of effort into
- Finding unexpected money in your purse/coat pocket
- Seeing one of your best friends in their wedding dress for the first time.
- Bashing out pomegranate seeds
- Cuddles from any pets
- Getting to a foreign airport and your bags are the first to come onto the carousel
- That all encompassing feeling when you’re at a live gig
- When your favourite artist suddenly announces they’re releasing another album
- Lazy Sunday mornings in bed
- Going to the beach
- Cuddling up on the sofa surrounded by nice smelling candles and wine
- Driving back across the border into Cornwall
- Discovering a restaurant you haven’t tried before and it’s delicious and also pretty cheap
- Being folded into a really long bear hug
- Getting an unexpected text/call from someone you haven’t spoken to in ages
- Waking up early at the weekend then remembering you can go back to sleep for however long you like
- Meeting blogging friends and becoming real life friends
- Bumping into the teacher you really fancied at school on a day that you’d made an effort and you’re feeling like hot stuff
- Plunging your hand into a bowl of pumpkin seeds floating in water
- When you’ve written something off as completely broken but dad has somehow miraculously brought it back to life
- Gloucester services on the M5 (I’m kind of joking, but if you haven’t been, you’re missing out!)
- Being introduced to a stranger and instantly clicking with them, knowing that you’ll end up really good friends.
- Sitting around the kitchen table with my best friends the morning after a party, discussing drunken antics and eating toast for hours
- Crispy duck pancakes followed by steak followed by maple syrup and meringue icecream
- Harry Potter
- Going to sleep on a long car journey and waking up just as you pull onto your drive
- Finishing work on a Friday knowing you’ve got the whole weekend ahead of you!
- Seeing one of your best friends after a really long time and having so much to talk about/laugh until you cry about
- Getting to the point in an amazing book where suddenly the plot is unraveled and everything falls into place
- When you’ve put loads of effort into making a delicious meal and it not only looks exactly like it should, but also tastes like heaven on a plate
- Surprises
- Trying really hard to lose weight, and it actually working
- Watching love actually and wrapping all my Christmas presents
- Writing a blog post about all the best things in life and it really perking up your day!
Thanks to Tea in Your Twenties for tagging me (ages ago admittedly!) It was such a positive thing to come up with – though initially nearly all I could think of was food! 🙂
To continue the trend, I’m going to tag all my favourite blogs so far t – On Serpentine Shores, Take Courage, The Cornish Life, Clair Rossiter, Rhyme and Ribbons and Brainfood. Let me know if you do get around to writing it, I’d love to know what makes you happy!