Blog Goals for 2016

2015 was a significant blogging year for me – mainly as it was the year I decided to really give it a go! Moving into my ninth month of blogging, one of of my focuses for goals in 2016 was ways to improve Wooden Window Sills. I’ve been following along with A Branch of Holly’s Blogging Breakthrough Challenge, which contains 28 days of specifically focused posts and challenges to help you work smarter with your blog. Though it started on 4th January, it can be followed at any time, and so far I’ve found it so useful just thinking about my blog from a different perspective. Therefore, today’s post is part inspiration/part to-do list/part whimsical hopes and dreams, going through some blog goals for the upcoming year…

Blog more regularly

First on the list is a biggun’ and probably one of the challenges I’ve faced most throughout the year. I love blogging, I love taking and editing photos, I love writing posts and dreaming up new posts (my drafts list is about a thousand lines long…) but gosh doesn’t it all take a long old time? If I look through the posts throughout last year, the timings of them were somewhat sporadic! Sometimes I’d get on a roll and have a week of juicy content writing and inspiration at all hours, then other weeks I’d end up kicking myself for leaving it nearly a fortnight between posts. Whilst I’m not aiming to beat myself up about it, it would be great to get into more of a routine. Whilst other bits of my life have slotted into place (I’ve finally managed to get into the whole exercising regularly thing, and i bloody love it!), I feel like I haven’t yet sat myself down and worked out a regular time to devote to this little baby of mine.

Take better photographs

As a teenager, both my serious boyfriends were photographers. My vain (and considerably slimmer) self spent a lot of time the other side of the lense, and it was really good fun going on “shoots” and having access to a whole host of fab Bebo profile pics. Since starting this little space of the internet, and Adam lending me his beautiful Canon, I’ve actually started to really appreciate how great it is taking photos, rather than just being in them! However, I’m still pretty crap. Not going to lie, I really don’t have much knowledge of how it all works, most of the time I just put it in no flash mode, focus on the bit I want and trust the sexy blur that a 50mm lense produces. And they’re not bad, well, they’ll do, and some pictures have actually come out nicely. But I’d love to learn more about the science and steps behind taking truly beautiful photos, and maybe invest a bit more time to build up that knowledge.

Explore new types of post

I originally chose my categories based on the main things I love in life, and these still ring true today, but I also need to remember that I specifically went against a lot of bloggers advice and didn’t really ever want a “niche”, giving me the freedom to write about anything and everything that I choose. Maybe this year I’ll throw a few curveballs into the mix, try something different and dig slightly deeper.

Get social media savvy

Anyone else trawl through their Facebook feed out of habit rather than actual interest? I do love a bit of Instagram, and I’ve finally started to post more regularly and go a bit mad over hashtags. Truth is though, it’s fun, and it works! Twitter and Pinterest are my next mountains to tackle, I’m still not very “good” at Twitter – is that even a thing? I just don’t go on it enough, or find it particularly interesting. But I’m also pretty sure that’s because I’m not doing it right. Pinterest I do love, just don’t invest the time into. Life’s hectic enough as it is without adding time oggling at beautiful hairstyles/recipes/interiors/weddings.

Show a steady increase of followers

I’m guessing this is on the list of all bloggers goals right? I’m not looking for instant fame overnight, but it’s great to feel recognition and appreciation for things you’re talking about and, whilst the past 9 months have continuously shown a steady climb on all platforms, I think if I want to project myself significantly in 2016 I’ll need to really work on each of these goals and it will happen naturally.

Get to know more bloggers

One of the best things about starting a blog, was the opportunity to meet more bloggers. I’ve been to organised events, social meet ups and engaged online with tonnes of lovely like-minded people.  The community is what makes this little world so great, and I’d love 2016 to involve more events, meets and involvements with other bloggers.

Do you set yourself blogging goals? Is there anything you’d like to achieve in 2016?