Outdoor Living Wishlist

As you may have seen, we recently finished renovating our garden! We spent hours and hours and every weekend we had spare completely transforming it into an outdoor living space we’re so proud of. However, now that we’re done and moving on to a bigger and better space, we’re going to have to start again! I’ve been busy pinning new garden ideas here, and came across some really beautiful designs for all sorts of gardens.

We’re ideally looking for a functional garden that we can entertain in, looks pretty and somewhere that Adam can have a big shed for all his man tools, but I can still grow flowers and vegetables. I love the strategic addition of personality you can get from garden design and furniture and whilst it’s a lot easier to obtain that indoors, choosing the right style for outdoors is also really important.

Plus, hey, don’t you also just love making a mood board?

Our new garden in the house we’re (hopefully) buying is currently just a large space of lawn with a boring boundary fence to separate next door, and surrounded by hedges. There’s a small veg patch in front of the back door which I’m intending to cultivate properly, and some concrete type slabs that definitely need replacing! I’ve recently found some beautiful pieces of garden furniture in my speculative searches, and am so excited to actually move in and design our outdoor living space properly!

This mood board is mostly designed around garden infrastructure and furniture – I’m still dreaming up what plants, flowers and vegetables I’m going to be digging in! All images have been taken from my Pinterest and I’ve included original links below:

*This was a collaborative post, but as ever, all featured items were chosen by me!* 


What are your thoughts? What would you include in your perfect outdoor living space? 

***I’ve been SHORTLISTED for the #BloggersBlogAwards this year in the “New Blog on the Block” category, if you’d like to vote, please click HERE.***